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Monday, February 2, 2009

thinking free

I need an honest answer to this Question....IS not the flow of easy money one of the reasons for moral degradation among women?


  1. Why do u at all think that there is moral degradation among women ?
    Who has the yardstick to determine what is morally degrading for a woman ? Not u or me ...
    -- Kallol Bhowmick

  2. I agree...
    It is evident everywhere... Women ending 6-7 year long relationships for the want of an older and more settled person,
    Go around in the mall, you'll see younger women paired up with older men...
    Its the flow of easy money, as Kunal Rightly has mentioned...

  3. I do not at all think that there is moral degradation among women and I don't have the yardstick to determine what is morally degrading for a woman.

    1) Women are becoming smart,competent,intelligent and hence are getting difficult to cheat.
    2)Many times they are better cheaters than menfolks which is really frustrating and the frustration on the mens' part is balanced by morality injection , much like your java dependency injection..

    3)LBNL ..(last but not da least) ...let us put a classified ad in tv,radio,web etc to find out who currently has that yardstick to measure women's degradation...may be the current owner is ready to sell it in an auction, or it could be lying secretly in some collectors vault ...btw .is this yardstick as much as infamous as the spear of destiny,sword of Damocles...spear of Osiris ..bow of Lord Rama etc??

  4. I am laughing on my own comment ..its the best gibberish i have ever written especially the last part...the rumors are true then,..i am going insane day by day :)

    1. If you would have seen it properly, you might have realized that this post was made nearly 3-4 years ago.
